February Currently

 It’s February and here’s my Currently!!! Listening:  I’m sorry, I’m an 80’s girl at heart.  Whenever I need to decompress and relax, I need my…

 It’s February and here’s my Currently!!!

Listening:  I’m sorry, I’m an 80’s girl at heart.  Whenever I need to decompress and relax, I need my 80’s love songs. I know I’m ol’ school, but I just love 80’s love songs.

Loving: Spring Break is only 4 weeks away!!! With plans on cruising for the second time as a family, I know that we are going to have such a wonderful, relaxing time.  It has been so hectic and busy, this is definitely a break that our entire family needs…and can I say Babymoon?! 🙂

Thinking: Thinking of which :), our new Sweet Pea is 14 weeks along today!  Last week we were able to see him/her at the dr.’s office and everything seems to be going great!  Our sweet son is kissing my belly every night and trying so hard to practice being a big brother….. and we can’t feel more blessed and excited!  Very soon, we will find out if our Sweet Pea is a he or she.  The dr. did say that the heartrate was 150-160 bpm, so we shall see!!! 🙂

Wanting: I am definitely wanting warmer weather to come our way.  Enough with the scarves and boots already, can I please bring out my sandals and sundresses? 🙂

Needing: Since we found out that we are expecting again, a full 8-hour sleep has been on my wishlist for a long time now . As much as I wish I can, I know that this is only the beginning to my sleep deprivation again… but this too shall pass, and of course, it is all worth it.

Pageant Title: I’ve never been in a pageant before, but if I can have any title, I would love to be Princess of the Sea because I love the ocean.  Maybe it be laying on the beach, sailing on a cruise ship or just enjoying its views, I love traveling and love traveling to see so many different beaches and oceans around the world.

Thank you for stopping by!  I hope you have a wonderful February!


  1. Hi Ha,
    Nice to find you again! Congrats on the new baby coming soon! That is so exciting! Where are you cruising to? I am also a child of the 80s and there are times when nothing else will do but a good ol' 80s ballad. Hang in there! 4 weeks is not so far away. 🙂

    Joya 🙂

  2. Cruising for spring break sounds fabulous! I am so jealous! I will be spending my spring break nursing my 17 year old daughter who is set to get her wisdom teeth cut out:( Yours sounds much more fun! Congrats on the new little one – so exciting – and YES it goes so fast so enjoy every minute.

  3. Oh I remember when I got my wisdom teeth removed! It was actually a year after I first started teaching. I had postponed it since I didn't think it was a big deal, until I realized one was growing sideways and was pushing my bottom teeth. It definitely wasn't fun, but I'm glad I got them out. Hope the surgery will go well for your daughter! She'll be happy when it's all done and over with. 🙂

  4. Thank you, Brianne! I love your blog as well! I also 'liked' your FB page!

    I see you live in Northern California! I have family in San Jose, and we travel there quite often for visits and vacations. Are you near there?

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