Fun Ideas to Teach About Voting

Teaching about the voting process is one of my favorite Social Studies units!  I love teaching my students that they have a voice and a…

Teaching about the voting process is one of my favorite Social Studies units!  I love teaching my students that they have a voice and a choice in shaping their community and country.
With the Presidential Election coming up next month, October is the perfect time to read all the Children’s books on elections and have students participate in the voting process in the classroom.

Here are some ideas to teach about voting!
-Read Children’s books on voting and have students create campaign posters for their character then vote for them to be president 

-Have students run for the Class President of the Day and have a mock election 

-Have students campaign and vote for which party they would like to have at the end of the year: Ice Cream Party or Pizza Party

-Have students write a letter on why their teacher would be a great president

-Have students write and share why they would be a great president

Below are some of my favorite Children’s books on voting!

Amazon Affiliate links to purchase the books:

My Teacher for President

Duck for President

Grace for President

Splat the Cat for President

House Mouse Senate Mouse

LaRue for Mayor: Letters from the Campaign Trail

For more resources to teach about voting, click on the images below for my All About Voting Unit!