After our initial chat, I requested another Zoom chat to formally accept Hannah Vanvel’s offer of representation.
I loved that she shares the vision I have for my stories and how involved we will be together throughout the entire process from writing to publication.
It was really a moment as both Hannah and I got quite emotional!
We both realized that we weren’t going to put any books out there in the world. Instead, we will open windows for others to see and learn and create mirrors for so many children who have not seen themselves represented much at all in Children’s books before.

After this call, she did some minor edits to the manuscript, curated a list of editors to send the manuscript to, and we were officially on SUB!
So what does being on SUB feel like?
Well to be completely honest, it felt like being in the querying trenches but at least I had an amazing cheerleader with industry insights on my side. However, just like querying, there was a lot of WAITING, WAITING, WAITING, and more WAITING.
We both had such high hopes for my story, but once the rejections came through within the weeks that followed, I felt defeated.
But Hannah never let me give up. She kept cheering me on and I kept myself occupied by writing new stories. Then five weeks after our first round of submissions went out, I got an offer!
Jumping up and down, I couldn’t believe it! My story was going to be published and I was going to be a traditionally published author!
Stay tuned for the next installment to find out what it’s like to receive an offer!