Ahhh.. It’s September, and I finally have the time to BLOG!!! I really never thought it would happen again, but I actually have time to sit down and share with you all the happy craziness that’s been going on in my little corner of the world! Thus, I give you, my September Currently as I link up with Farley from Oh Boy, It’s 4th Grade! 🙂
Listening: Since our little family welcomed our daughter earlier last month, it has been busy, busy, busy for all of us. If it’s not the sound of the door bell with sweet presents and visitors then it’s our cellphones or our toddler son’s Ipad and TV shows or the sweet cries of our daughter. With so many changes and commotion going on (which I am so blessed to experience), I have been on the move nonstop and have been listening to anything but silence. But tonight. Yes, tonight. With everyone sleeping so soundly and no one is calling for me, I am enjoying the sound of silence throughout the night…even if it’s only for another 15 minutes max. 🙂
Loving: I am really loving the precious time that I have to bond with my daughter at the moment. Since I know that every minute brings me one minute closer to when I have to return to work later in the fall, I am treasuring every cuddle and snuggle with her.
Wanting: With that being said, I would like for time to slow down, because I can’t believe that it’s been 4 weeks already since we welcomed our sweet daughter into the world. How was it that my pregnancy seemed to have lasted FOREVER, yet it’s already been 4 weeks and our sweet baby is now outgrowing her newborn clothes?! 🙁 On top of that, my once newborn is now a big kid going off to Pre-School! Slow down, babies…slow down….
Needing: As motherhood is in full-swing, I am excited that my best friend of 25 years, yes 25 years (we met in first grade) is visiting my family and me this month! Every year we try to meet up with each other, and this year is no exception…only that it’s our 25 year BFF anniversary!!! We totally made that one up, but we totally love it! 🙂
3 Goals: It’s definitely hard to find time to be alone nowadays, but I do miss being creative…so I need to jot my ideas down and make time. I also need to focus more on all the positives around me and dwell on all the positive energy and TRULY enjoy the moment as I know every minute brings me closer to the end of my maternity leave…
Thank you for stopping by! What’s on your list for your September Currently?

What a doll you have !!! Congrats!!! So glad it worked out with the new sub, enjoy your time with that doll, your students will be there and waiting for you …..Your classroom looks awesome!!
Congrats on the new addition! She's adorable!
The Kinder Garden
Thank you, Leea! This is definitely a learning experience for me as I never imagined not being there to start out the year, but I know that everything will work out. 🙂
Thank you so much, Caitlin! 🙂