OH MY GOODNESS, IT’S JULY ALREADY!!! Yes, I cannot believe it! I feel like it was just last week that school ended and I was getting my End-of-the-Year checklist turned in. On the bright side, it’s JULY and summer is still in full swing with so much excitement ahead!!!
Today I’m linking up with Mrs. Farley from Oh Boy, It’s Fourth Grade to bring to you my July Currently.

Listening: It’s late and baby boy is sound asleep with daddy. That’s exactly what I want to hear right now so I can just take a moment to myself for myself…..well, it’s also because I’m battling acid reflux and all the last full month of pregnancy symptoms. I was so happy telling my hubby the other week how acid reflux has been so bad for me this time around, but I think I spoke too soon… way way too soon. lol..
Loving: While I love the summer so that we can enjoy ice cream and swimming as a family, the heat is really getting to me…especially on those 95+ degree days here in Texas. So when the sudden rain shower came this evening, I was super excited since I know tonight won’t feel as hot…but I’m sure the humidity will get me tomorrow… Oh boy…
Thinking: I got 4th of July plans on my mind at the moment… Not sure of our plans since it depends on my growing belly. I would love to take a trip to see my family and the dr. said I’m fine as long as I take frequent stops…. so if we do go… I need to start packing ASAP. To go or not to go???? hmmm…
Wanting: To meet our sweet baby girl already! I have been so very blessed to have had such a healthy pregnancy so far…but it’s been 34 very longgggg weeks for this lil’ mama, and I can’t wait to meet our daughter! And as any third-trimester mommy would do, I have been nesting like crazy. Cleaning, organizing, reorganizing, and going in and out of her nursery a million times everyday. I know that we have everything we need thanks to our wonderful family and friends, and everything will be just fine…but I. JUST. CAN’T WAIT. 🙂
Below are pictures of her nursery. If history repeats itself, we might see her at the end of this month as our son was delivered at 38 weeks.
Needing: A lot of SLEEP! If it’s not baby girl tossing, turning, and pushing on my bladder all night, then it’s acid reflux and insomnia taking turns. Funny how I used to crash so easily and now I can’t seem to get any rest.
All Star: It’s funny how my friends seem to feel very comfortable sharing with me their feelings. Sometimes it surprises even me when some of my friends tell me certain things that they wouldn’t share even with their closest friends. I think they know that I’m very open-minded and am willing to listen to their perspective. I’m definitely glad that they feel that way, because understanding from others’ perspectives and building up each other is what life is all about!
Well…thanks for stopping by! I hope you have a great July and will definitely keep you updated on our baby #2! 🙂

Congratulations on the new addition to your family! The nursery looks precious.
Teaching, Love, Cupcakes
Your son and the nursery are both adorable! Hoping you are able to rest and get as comfortable as possible before your newest sweetie arrives!
Very Perry Classroom
So exciting about your upcoming arrival! Best wishes to you and your family! Hope her birthday comes soon!
Miss Johnston's Journey
L. Paull Designs for All
What an adorable little nursery! Best wishes! Also, I'm sure people appreciate how understanding you are. You sound like a great friend to have!
Paiges of Learning
Thank you, Princess! 🙂
Thank you so much, Erin! Hope you have a wonderful 4th of July!
Thank you, Lindsey! Yes, I hope her birthday comes at the end of this month! Keeping my fingers crossed. 🙂
Thank you so much, Paige! 🙂